– Mary Benirschke, Founder, Be a Friend

“The best thing you can offer a person on the streets is recognition of their God-given worth and value.”

Journey Together

is that all of our vulnerable neighbors who are at risk or are experiencing homelessness can feel heard, valued and understood, and through the power of friendship move into a more fulfilling life.

Our Vision

is to transform the lives of people experiencing homelessness by equipping and supporting volunteers from our local community to walk alongside them as a friend for an extended period of time through a one-on-one journey of relationship where trust is built, connections to resources are made and the two move forward together.

Our Mission

We Exist To

Pair volunteers with unstably housed and unsheltered neighbors to develop an unfamiliar, empowering friendship while helping navigate life together.

  • Offering comprehensive training and support
  • Creating a customized goal plan for each individual
  • Providing a personalized step by step guide for Activities of Daily Living success
  • Helping to shift mindsets and grow compassion through stories of lives impacted

We Do This by

Be A Friend Stories

How We Build Friendships

You have the desire to help someone in need and impact the state of homelessness in San Diego County

We partner  with  Organizations that serve the homeless who will equip you with a robust training  and ongoing support

 You will be paired with an individual in need who desires to have a friend to  lovingly walk alongside them as they move forward in life

As you seek a supportive friendship, trust is developed and realistic, person centered goals can be realized

Your unique Journey of Relationship can be celebrated as both of your lives are impacted

A Program of the Lucky Duck Foundation

“Be A Friend – Impact a Life has created many meaningful friendships and changed lives – both of neighbors and of friends – and aided many people on their journey to a brighter path by providing something every single human being needs: a friend.”

Drew Moser, Executive Director
The Lucky Duck Foundation

Be A Friend Partners

Through the power of friendship, move forward to a life they desire.

The Lucky Duck Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is committed to alleviating the suffering of homelessness throughout San Diego County and our co-founders match all donations up to $1.5 million per year. Visit their website to explore our other programs and to share your luck with our unsheltered neighbors in San Diego.

Already a Volunteer?